Management & Governance


At Taciti, we specialize in providing comprehensive program and project management solutions that drive successful transformations. With a keen focus on program planning, budgeting and risk management, we are your dedicated partners in achieving transformative goals. Navigating the complex landscape of modern business demands more than just vision – it requires a robust framework of management and governance. Our seasoned experts understand the intricacies involved in orchestrating large-scale changes. From initial ideation to the final implementation, we offer end-to-end solutions that ensure your transformation journey is not only efficient but also aligned with your strategic objectives.

Transformation Management & Governance Services Include:

Our Expertise


Ensuring the teams follow the approved project methodology and adapting it as necessary to align with organizational standards.
Creating Agile DevOps methodology with Sprint deliverables.

Budget, Scope & Timeline

Defining and monitoring the project scope and timeline, ensuring the team stays on track, and addressing any scope creep or timeline deviations. Assisting clients in creating project budgets.

Organizational Change & Learning Management

Expertise to drive organizational change management and stakeholder enablement. Engaging and collaborating with stakeholders throughout the project to maintain alignment and secure their necessary involvement and buy-in.

Project RAID & RACI

Managing the project plan, Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies (RAID) and Responsibilities (RACI) matrix for effective oversight and control. Overseeing project artifacts and document management.

Training & Documentation

Ensuring adequate training and documentation support are provided to end users and stakeholders to facilitate a smooth transition to the new system.

Status Reporting

Generating and distributing regular status reports to stakeholders, keeping them informed about the project's progress and any relevant updates.

Managing Milestones

Identifying and tracking crucial project milestones to assess progress and keep the implementation on schedule.

Pre and Post Go-live Support

Coordinating with the vendor to address pre-go-live preparations and providing support during the critical go-live phase and subsequent stabilization period.

Continuous Improvement

Identifying areas for improvement throughout the implementation process and incorporating lessons learned into future projects to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.


Ensuring the teams follow the approved project methodology and adapting it as necessary to align with organizational standards.

Creating Agile DevOps methodology with Sprint deliverables.

Budget,Scope & Timeline

Defining and monitoring the project scope and timeline, ensuring the team stays on track and addressing any scope creep or timeline deviations. Assist cli- ents in creating project budget.

Orgnizational Change & Learning management

Expertise to drive organizational change management and stakeholder enable- ment. Engaging and collaborating with stakeholders throughout the project to maintain alignment and secure their nec- essary involvement and buy-in.


Managing the project plan, Risks, Assump- tions, Issues, Dependencies (RAID), and Re- sponsibilities (RACI) matrix for effective oversight and control.Overseeing project ar- tifacts and document management.

Training & Documentation

Ensuring adequate training and documen- tation support are provided to end-users and stakeholders to facilitate a smooth transition to the new system.


Generating and distributing regular status reports to stakeholders, keeping them informed about the project's prog- ress and any relevant updates.


Identifying and tracking crucial project milestones to assess progress and keep the implementation on schedule.

Pre and Post
Go-live Support

Coordinating with the vendor to address pre-go-live preparations and providing support during the critical go-live phase and subsequent stabilization period.


Identifying areas for improvement throughout the implementation process and incorporating lessons learned into future projects to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.